- LOM Name-JCI Adimali
- President-Sadasivan Edappat
- Jcrt Chairperson-Sui Sudhakar
- Month-January 2020
- No. of Jcrt programs-3
- Jcrt program no.1-Green Thrive
As part of the zone project Green Thrive we Jcrt wing of Adimali visited JC Rain Shelter which is maintained by JCI Adimali and also visited 5 of our Jcrts kitchen gardens....
- Jcrt program no.2-Nammude Krishi Nammude Aarogyam
We Jcrt wing of Adimali conducted a class on Nammude Krishi Nammude Aarogyam. The class was taken by agricultural officer Pallivasal Krishi Bhavan Mrs. Siji Anil. The session was inaugurated by ZVP Arjun K Nair...
- Jcrt program no.3-Distribution of Seeds and Saplings
We Jcrt wing of Adimali distributed seeds and saplings to all JC families....
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