Monday, 9 March 2020

Jcrt Report for the month of February 2020 - JCI Irinjalakuda

  5. No of programs: 4

  • Program 1: Monthly meeting of Jcrts
In the month of February we conducted our jcrt meeting at JC bhavan Irinjalakuda on 5-2-2020. We had taken decisions for the upcoming events. An idea of E-magazine publishing was given by Jcrt Chair person Kavitha Jenson and it was admitted by other members..all the members  suggested about the topics to be included in the magazine.  Dhanya Jison was selected in the editorial panel. As per the suggestions of other members we decided to include JJ's articles in the magazine.E-magazine contents will be Stories, poems, achievements of jcrts in their working area or any other co-curricular activities,sharing their own experiences,cooking tips,beauty tips etc.We decided to select the name of the magazine from our jcrts group.
We also decided to celebrate birthday of jcrts who all are having birthday's on every month on the day of jcrts meeting.We decided to conduct the meeting every month without fail.

  • Program 2: EVP Visit & Inaugruation of Neonatal Intensive care unit.
Our EVP JCI PPP K Kaveen Kumar inaugruated Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Irinjalakuda Government hospital on 8-2-2020. JC s,Jcrts and JJs participated in the function. EVP  JCI Kaveen Kumar was the cheif Guest of the program. As the part of green thrive program cloth bag was distributed to every one and its official inaugruation was done byEVP  JCI Kaveen Kumar  by giving the cloth bag to Jcrt Chair person Kavitha jenson. 

 Program 3: Valentine's Day Celebration

Our valentine's day program was conducted at Prakerthi Jeevanam Resort, Kottenallur.
ZVP JC Jobin kuriakose inaugruated the function. more than 50 JC families attended the function.Valentine's Day Photo contest was conducted by Jcrt Chairperson Kavitha jenson. The winners of photo contest was announced on the same day and prizes were given .Our jcrts prepared variety of dishes and  served to everyone on the same day. There was so many games and ganamela by our JC Members.It was a memorable and joyful event for every JC family.

Program 4: Pragya Cyber Security Class.

We Jcrt wing of Irinjalakuda conducted class to our jcrts about cyber security..
Class was taken by JC Dhanya Jison. It was very helpful class to every one.

By team 2020..


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