Friday, 10 April 2020


  1. Lom  Name :                 JCI Pallikara
  2. President :                    Liju Saju
  3. JCRT Chairperson :    Josphin Dhanesh
  4. Month :                          March
  5. No. Of. Programs :    4

  • Programme No : 1

Description :

JCI Pallikkara on behalf of JCRT wing has celebrated World international women's day. Panchayat ward president Nessy Usman Inaugurated the program. JCRT wing honoured Mrs Mini who is running a Autorickshaw at Pallikkara. She is the single lady Auto driver at Pallikkara Junction. President Nessy Usman has honoured her with golden shawl. President Liju Saju has given her small momento. To mould the upcoming women society we have celebrated the women's day with some of the upcoming students of 12th standard, by giving them a awareness on how to an important role women plays in society as well as in family. The program coordinated by Joshpin Dhanesh.

  • Programme No : 2

Description :

JCI Pallikkara has given self oriented embroidery classes for the women on the same day of world international women's day. President Liju Saju has guidelined the program and the JCI family members has supported it.



  • Programme No : 3

Description :

JCI Pallikkara on behalf of JCRT wing has placed water and food to feed the birds at this hot and thirsty time. Which can be done each and every human beings at this tuff time of lockdown. Which will be help for the birds and flies. JCRT Joshpin Dhanesh,  Lincy Liju, Kavitha Arun Kumar, Sandhya Rajeev, Sani all have feeded the birds with water and food and supported it.

  • Programme No : 4


JCI Pallikkara on behalf of JCRT wing for the production against covid-19 has started the production of mask with the help of some jcrt's Sani and some ladies from the society. The Mask protected were distributed to the needy public in free of cost by JCI President Liju Saju, Treasurer Rajeev V R, Secretary Ibrahim and Lincy Liju, Jospin Dhanesh, Sandhya Rajeev, Sani.



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