Thursday, 9 April 2020

Report for the Month of March 2020 - JCI Trichur Pooram City

1. LOM                        : JCI Trichur Pooram City
2. President                  : Jomis.C.John
3. Jcrt Chairperson       : Rinchin Sibi
4. Month                       : March 2020
5. Number of Programs: 1


  • Program 1:- Women's Day Celebration & Pancha Ratna Puraskar
           Jcrt wing of JCI Trichur Pooram City in association with International Women's Day, on March 8th 2020, celebrated Women's Day Celebrations & Pancha Ratna Puraskar at Hotel Joys Palace, Thrissur. The program was conducted in a befitting manner by honouring five eminent ladies who have excelled in their respective fields.
           The program was inaugurated by Ms. Aaj Sudharshan, Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, Thrissur. JCI Sen. Muhammed Salu,Zone President- Zone XX (Guest of Honour) and JC. Augustine Cheriyan, Zone Vice President, Region B, have graced the occasion with their presence and words.
             The Pancha Ratna Puraskar was awarded to Dr.C.R.Elsy, IPR Cell Coordinator, KAU, Mannuthy (Kissan Rathna), Sr. Pushpam CSS, Principal, Snehadeepthy Special School, Mannuthy (Sevan Rathna), Ms. Caroline Joshua, Thrissur Corporation Councillor (Manavatha Rathna), Ms. Sahana Salim, MD, Goal Gappas, Thrissur (Karma Rathna) and Ms. Alina Sebi, National Basketball Player (Khel Rathna).


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